How To Install Dbms_network_acl_admin Package

Hi,I am also having trouble with setting up an ACL in on Oracle Linux 5.11 (ODA X5-2 appliance). It appears that the DBMSNETWORKACLADMIN package itself is not deprecated in 12c, but rather several of its procedures are deprecated.

The DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN package provides the interface to administer the network Access Control List (ACL).

See Also:

For more information, see 'Managing Fine-grained Access to External Network Services' in Oracle Database Security Guide

The chapter contains the following topics:

    • Examples




Grant the connect and resolve privileges for host to SCOTT.

Example 2

Grant the resolve privilege for to ADAMS. Since an ACL for exists already, just add the privilege for ADAMS.

Example 3

Assign the ACL www.xml to so that SCOTT and ADAMS can access also.

Example 4

Unassign the ACL from so that no access to is allowed.

Example 5

The DOMAINS Function in the DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_UTLILITY package returns all the domains a host belongs to. It can be used in conjunction with the CHECK_PRIVILEGE_ACLID Function in this package to determine the privilege assignments affecting a user's permission to access a network host. The function DOMAIN_LEVEL Function in the DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_UTILITY package returns the level of each domain and can be used to order the ACL assignments by their precedence.

For example, for SCOTT's permission to connect to

Example 6

For example, for SCOTT's permission to do domain name resolution for

Note that the 'resolve' privilege takes effect only in ACLs assigned without any port range (when lower_port and upper_port are NULL). For this reason, we do not include lower_port and upper_port columns in the query.

Summary of DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN Subprograms

Table 80-1 DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN Package Subprograms


Adds a privilege to grant or deny the network access to the user in an access control list (ACL)

Assigns an access control list (ACL) to a network host, and optionally specific to a TCP port range

Checks if a privilege is granted to or denied from the user in an access control list (ACL)

Checks if a privilege is granted to or denied from the user in an ACL by specifying the object ID of the access control list

Creates an access control list (ACL) with an initial privilege setting

Deletes a privilege in an access control list (ACL)

Drops an access control list (ACL)

Unassigns the access control list (ACL) currently assigned to a network host.


This procedure adds a privilege to grant or deny the network access to the user. The access control entry (ACE) will be created if it does not exist.


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Table 80-2 ADD_PRIVILEGE Function Parameters



Name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to '/sys/acls'.


Principal (database user or role) to whom the privilege is granted or denied. Case sensitive.


Network privilege to be granted or denied - 'connectresolve' (case sensitive). A database user needs the connect privilege to an external network host computer if he or she is connecting using the UTL_TCP, UTL_HTTP, UTL_SMTP, and UTL_MAIL utility packages. To resolve a host name that was given a host IP address, or the IP address that was given a host name, with the UTL_INADDR package, grant the database user the resolve privilege.


Network privilege to be granted or denied


Position (1-based) of the ACE. If a non-NULL value is given, the privilege will be added in a new ACE at the given position and there should not be another ACE for the principal with the same is_grant (grant or deny). If a NULL value is given, the privilege will be added to the ACE matching the principal and the is_grant if one exists, or to the end of the ACL if the matching ACE does not exist.


Start date of the access control entry (ACE). When specified, the ACE will be valid only on and after the specified date. The start_date will be ignored if the privilege is added to an existing ACE.


End date of the access control entry (ACE). When specified, the ACE will expire after the specified date. The end_date must be greater than or equal to the start_date. The end_date will be ignored if the privilege is added to an existing ACE.

Usage Notes

To remove the permission, use the DELETE_PRIVILEGE Procedure.


ASSIGN_ACL Procedure

This procedure assigns an access control list (ACL) to a host computer, domain, or IP subnet, and if specified, the TCP port range.



Table 80-3 ASSIGN_ACL Function Parameters



Name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to '/sys/acls'.


Host to which the ACL will be assigned. The host can be the name or the IP address of the host. A wildcard can be used to specify a domain or a IP subnet. The host or domain name is case-insensitive.


Lower bound of a TCP port range if not NULL


Upper bound of a TCP port range. If NULL, lower_port is assumed.

Usage Notes

  • Only one ACL can be assigned to any host computer, domain, or IP subnet, and if specified, the TCP port range. When you assign a new access control list to a network target, Oracle Database unassigns the previous access control list that was assigned to the same target. However, Oracle Database does not drop the access control list. You can drop the access control list by using the DROP_ACL Procedure. To remove an access control list assignment, use the UNASSIGN_ACL Procedure.

  • The ACL assigned to a domain takes a lower precedence than the other ACLs assigned sub-domains, which take a lower precedence than the ACLs assigned to the individual hosts. So for a given host say '', the following domains are listed in decreasing precedences:


    - *

    - *

    - *.com

    - *

    In the same way, the ACL assigned to an subnet takes a lower precedence than the other ACLs assigned smaller subnets, which take a lower precedence than the ACLs assigned to the individual IP addresses. So for a given IP address say '', the following subnets are listed in decreasing precedences:


    - 192.168.0.*

    - 192.168.*

    - 192.*

    - *

  • The port range is applicable only to the 'connect' privilege assignments in the ACL. The 'resolve' privilege assignments in an ACL have effects only when the ACL is assigned to a host without a port range.

    For the 'connect' privilege assignments, an ACL assigned to the host without a port range takes a lower precedence than other ACLs assigned to the same host with a port range.

  • When specifying a TCP port range, both lower_port and upper_port must not be NULL and upper_port must be greater than or equal to lower_port. The port range must not overlap with any other port ranges for the same host assigned already.

  • To remove the assignment, use UNASSIGN_ACL Procedure.



This function checks if a privilege is granted to or denied from the user in an ACL.



Rim network device driver for mac pro. Table 80-4 CHECK_PRIVILEGE Function Parameters



Name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to '/sys/acls'.


User to check against. If the user is NULL, the invoker is assumed. The username is case-sensitive as in the USERNAME column of the ALL_USERS view.


Network privilege to check

Return Values

Returns 1 when the privilege is granted; 0 when the privilege is denied; NULL when the privilege is neither granted or denied.



This function checks if a privilege is granted to or denied from the user in an ACL by specifying the object ID of the access control list.



Table 80-5 CHECK_PRIVILEGE_ACLID Function Parameters



Object ID of the ACL


User to check against. If the user is NULL, the invoker is assumed. The username is case-sensitive as in the USERNAME column of the ALL_USERS view.


Network privilege to check

Return Values

Returns 1 when the privilege is granted; 0 when the privilege is denied; NULL when the privilege is neither granted or denied.

CREATE_ACL Procedure

This procedure creates an access control list (ACL) with an initial privilege setting. An ACL must have at least one privilege setting. The ACL has no access control effect unless it is assigned to network target.



Table 80-6 CREATE_ACL Function Parameters



Name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to '/sys/acls'.


Description attribute in the ACL


Principal (database user or role) to whom the privilege is granted or denied. Case sensitive.


Privilege is granted or not (denied)


Network privilege to be granted or denied - 'connectresolve' (case sensitive). A database user needs the connect privilege to an external network host computer if he or she is connecting using the UTL_TCP, UTL_HTTP, UTL_SMTP, and UTL_MAIL utility packages. To resolve a host name that was given a host IP address, or the IP address that was given a host name, with the UTL_INADDR package, grant the database user the resolve privilege.


Start date of the access control entry (ACE). When specified, the ACE will be valid only on and after the specified date.


End date of the access control entry (ACE). When specified, the ACE will expire after the specified date. The end_date must be greater than or equal to the start_date.

Usage Notes

To drop the access control list, use the DROP_ACL Procedure.



How To Install Dbms_network_acl_admin Package

This procedure deletes a privilege in an access control list.



Table 80-7 DELETE_PRIVILEGE Function Parameters



Name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to '/sys/acls'.


Principal (database user or role) for whom all the ACE will be deleted


Privilege is granted or not (denied). If a null value is given, the deletion is applicable to both granted or denied privileges.


Network privilege to be deleted. If a NULL value is given, the deletion is applicable to all privileges.


DROP_ACL Procedure

This procedure drops an access control list (ACL).



Table 80-8 DROP_ACL Function Parameters



Name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to '/sys/acls'.



This procedure unassigns the access control list (ACL) currently assigned to a network host.



Table 80-9 UNASSIGN_ACL Function Parameters



Name of the ACL. Relative path will be relative to '/sys/acls'. If acl is NULL, any ACL assigned to the host will be unassigned.


Host from which the ACL will be removed. The host can be the name or the IP address of the host. A wildcard can be used to specify a domain or a IP subnet. The host or domain name is case-insensitive. If host is null, the ACL will be unassigned from any host. If both host and acl are NULL, all ACL assignments will be deleted.


Lower bound of a TCP port range if not NULL


Upper bound of a TCP port range. If NULL, lower_port is assumed.
